African Rhinoceros Facts
African Rhinoceros Field Guide - Chapter One
Did you know?
African Rhinoceros Fun Facts
1. Smile pretty: How to identify the black rhino from the white (they are both grey)! Their mouths, white rhinos have wide mouths, black rhino mouths are tapered.
2. What’s in a name? The white rhino got its name from the Afrikaans word “wyt” which means wide and is a reference to the shape of his mouth.
3. Growth spurt: Rhino horn is keratin, like fingernails or hair, and grows continuously 2.5 to 4 inches (60 –100 mm) per year, throughout his life.
4. Watch out! A group of rhinos living together is called a “crash.” Hmmm, that seems appropriate!
Other Names for Rhinos
White Rhino: The white rhino is sometimes referred to as the square lipped rhino.
Black Rhino: The black rhino is sometimes referred to as the hook-lipped rhino.
Relatively Speaking
Genus and Species
Easiest way to distinguish black from white rhino? Their mouths. The white rhino's mouth is straight across, perfect for ground grazing. Black rhinos browse bushes and shrubs, their mouths are more pointed. Image: ©Marc Cronje, Independent Field Guide. Kruger National Park, South Africa
1. White Rhinoceros: Ceratotherium simum
2. Black Rhinoceros: Diceros bicornis
Subspecies of White Rhinoceros
There are two subspecies of white rhinoceros: The southern white rhino is the most numerous of all rhinoceros, but the northern white rhino is believed extinct in the wild.
1. Southern white rhinoceros: C. s. simum. IUCN Red List: Near Threatened.
2. Northern white rhinoceros: C. s. cottoni (only three animals remain in captivity). Considered extinct. See below: "African Rhinoceros Viewing Destinations" Kenya: Ol Pejeta.
Subspecies of Black Rhinoceros
There are three surviving subspecies:
1. Southwestern black rhinoceros: D.b. bicornis. IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
2. Eastern black rhinoceros: D.b. michaeli. IUCN Red List: Critically endangered
3. South-central black rhinoceros: D.b.minor. IUCN Red List: Critically endangered.
The tapir, like this one from Ecuador, is a close relative to the rhinoceros. Image: ©Ammit⎮
Closest Living Relatives
Horse, donkey, and tapir are the rhinoceros' closest living (non-rhino) relatives.
The Sumatran rhino is the smallest and hairiest of the five rhino species - and thought to be the closest relative of the ice-age's wooly rhino. Image: © Fischer1082⎮
Other Related Species?
There are three Asian rhinoceros species:
1. Sumatran rhinoceros: Dicerorhinus sumatrensis. IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered. Found on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo Update: 7/2018 According to recent studies the "official" number is 100 but researchers feel there may be as few as 30 left in the wild and declining.
2. Greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceros: Rhinoceros unicornis. IUCN Red List: Vulnerable. Found in India and Nepal.
3. Javan rhinoceros: Rhinoceros sondaicus. IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered. Found only in Ujun-Kulon National Park, Java, Indonesia.
Differences Between African and Asian Rhinoceros?
The two species of African and three species of Asian rhinoceros all share many of the same characteristics, however, African rhinos are more aggressive than their Asian cousins. They fight with their horns, impaling their opponents while Asian rhinoceros fight with their teeth.
The Asian species live in wetter habitats, subtropical to tropical forests and grasslands, while the African rhinoceros species prefer dryer savannah or woodland ranges. All five species are shy herbivores. All spend much of the daytime wallowing in mud as protection for their sensitive skin, but the Asian species also swim, in fact the greater one horned or Indian rhino is considered semi-aquatic.
Asian rhino species have 3 pronounced skin folds like this greater one-horned or Indian rhino. Destination: Jaldapara National Park, India Image: ©NilanjanBhattachrya ⎮Dreamstime
Three pronounced skin folds, one each around the back and front legs and one around the neck and shoulder area, give the Asian species a more heavily ‘armored” look than their African cousins.
The Sumatran rhino is the smallest of the five species, the hairiest, and the one most closely related to the ice age’s woolly rhinoceros. The horns of the Asian species are significantly smaller than the horn of the African.
Identify Me
White rhino (and avian friend) in Kruger National Park. Image: © Marc Cronge, Independent Field Guide. There has been rhino poaching even in the park. So far this one has been lucky.
White Rhinoceros Height: 4.9 - 5.9 feet (1.5 - 1.8 m)
White Rhinoceros Weight: 4,080 – 5,500 pounds (1,800 – 2,500 kg)
Black Rhinoceros Height: 5.25 feet (1.6 m)
Black Rhinoceros Weight: 1,985 to 2,975 pounds (900 – 1,350 kg)
Males of both species can be considerably larger than the females.
Distinguishing Characteristics
The rhinoceros is the second largest land mammal next to the elephant. Both of the African species are grey, mostly hairless (except on ears, tail tips, and eyelashes) animals that look as though they are wearing armor. Both sexes of both species typically have two horns that grow up and backward from the front of their heads, with the front horn usually larger. The horns actually sit over his nose and are not attached to the skull. A female’s horn is generally thinner, although since they are regularly sharpened and shaped, size is not a good indicator of gender.
Differences Between Black and White Rhinoceros
Black rhino use their tapered mouths to snip whole branches, it's white rhino cousin prefers salad without a woody component. Etosha National PArk, Namibia. Image: Wildlife: DEstinations
White rhinoceros adult males are considerably larger (5,070 lbs. / 2,300 kg) than their black species counterparts, (2,204 pounds /1,000 kg). However, the likelihood of seeing two adult males of different rhino species standing side by side for comparison is small. The easiest and best way to understand which you are looking at is by studying their mouths. White rhinos have square upper lips for grazing. Their name is thought to come from the Afrikaans word “weit” meaning wide – not white - and refers to his mouth. Black rhinos have pointed prehensile lips for browsing. Watch them eat and you will see the white rhino munching grass while the black rhino nibbles bushes and small trees.
Black rhino with sore. This is possibly a condition called Filariasis, caused by a parasite. The condition seems to be more prevalent in black rather than white rhinos. Image: ©Marc Cronje, Independent Field Guide. South Africa.
Next look at the neck and back. The white rhino’s head is bigger and they have a huge muscle that forms a hump at their back to hold it up. The rest of their back is flat. The black rhino does not have the hump and their backs are concave. Less easy to spot is the difference in their ear shapes, which is a little pointier on the white rhino and a little rounder on the black.
Filariasis: Unfortunately for the animal, if you spot bloody or oozing lesions on its body, it is probably a black rhino.
They are very susceptible to a type of parasite that is carried by flies that feed on the skin causing weeping sores usually on the base of the neck and shoulders. This condition is called Filariasis. Ironically, the oxpecker birds that live with the rhinos and eat their parasites contribute to the open sores by continually aggravating the lesions so they cannot heal.
Take a look at the video below. These rhino have square mouths perfect for grazing on grass; they are white rhinos. You will not see black rhino doing this. Also note the water line and mud on their bodies. Both African rhinoceros species protect their skin with mud. Thanks to Marc Cronje, independent wildlife field guide, for use of his video.
Temperament may also help to identify the species. There is anecdotal evidence that black rhinos are more temperamental and excitable than white. If you do happen on an agitated individual the tail of the white species will be curled up in alarm, the black rhino’s will be held straight out. We strongly suggest that you do not field test this identification method!
A white rhino keeps her baby behind her, while a black rhino baby walk in front of it's mother Image: ©Marc Cronje Independent field guide. Destination: Kruger National Park, South Africa
Rhino mothers have different approaches to child rearing too. The white rhino calf will usually walk in front of its mother, while its black rhino cousin follows closely behind his.
Understanding African Rhinoceros
The Rhino Life Cycle
White rhino and calf in Kruger National Park. The calf will not be weaned for up to three years. Image: ©Marc Cronje, Independent Field Guide.
Female white rhinos reach maturity by 6 to 7 years old, the black rhino female at about 4 years. If living in favorable conditions they can each produce a calf every 2.5 to four years. The calf is born after a gestation period of 15 – 16 months. Juveniles of both species are not fully weaned for up to three years.
At about 3-years old young bulls leave their mothers, setting off on their own or joining a sub-adult male group in the territory of a dominant male. These youngsters are called “satellite” males. This is a precarious time. While dominant white rhino males are usually tolerant of the adolescents, especially if they do not try to breed; a dominant black rhino male is far less enthusiastic and have been known to challenge and even kill these sub-adults. At about 10-12 years the surviving young males are ready to begin breeding. A healthy rhino has a live span of 30 to 35 years in the wild.
On the Menu
All rhinos are herbivores, although the two African species prefer different fare. The black rhino forages on trees or bushes, his prehensile lips help him to grab little branches that he snips off at a distinctive angled cut. He can live in dryer places and go days without drinking, however they do seek out territories with both water supply and a mineral lick. The white rhino are grass grazers and must drink everyday.
What Are They Doing?
Rhinos are all semi-social at best with the black rhino the more solitary of the two African species.
White Rhinoceros: Females with young will live alone or in crashes with other females. They have a range, not a defined territory, that over lap with other groups.
Black Rhinoceros: A crash of black rhino can occur but less often and with fewer, three to five, individuals. Most black rhino live a solitary existence. Black rhino males are generally the more territorial of the two species, especially in high-density areas.
This white rhino is perfectly healthy - just napping in the mid-day sun. Note his front legs curled under, the back legs will be in the same position. Image: ©Marc Cronje, Independent Field Guide. Destination: Kruger Park, South Africa
Rhinos sleep very soundly for a few hours, usually in the hottest part of the day, laying down and tucking their legs in. Their eyesight is relatively poor but even in sleep their ears never stop rotating, picking up sound. Oxpecker, the bird that eats their parasites, helps as an early warning system, too. When disturbed they are up and alert in seconds.
White rhino midden. Both African Rhino species mark territories with community middens or dung heaps that can become quite huge. Note how it is scraped onto the road. Image: Marc Cronje, Independent Field Guide. Destination: Kruger N.P. South Africa.
Middens: Adults of both species mark territory and communicate with scent. Individuals defecate in community piles called “middens.” Both male and female black rhino, but only the dominant white rhino male, kick the piles around to spread the scent. The species’ middens can be differentiated by size and content. The white rhino’s will be larger, less numerous in a territory and consist of grassy material verses the black rhino’s smaller piles filled with short woody pieces cut at clean angles. Males of both species and the female black rhinoceros also mark territory by first scraping the ground with their horns or feet then backing up to bushes etc. and spraying urine. The black rhinos have scent glands on their heads that they also use to mark territory, rubbing them against rocks, trees, and other posts.
A white rhino mother showing her baby some of the finer things in life - like napping in a cool mud hole on Kruger National Park, South Africa. Image: ©Marc Cronje Independent Field Guide. Kruger Park, South Africa
Mud Baths: All rhinos like to wallow in the mud; it cools them down and acts as protection from the sun. They are night owls, resting during the hottest part of the day and continuing to feed and move about at night when it’s cooler.
Rhinoceros Communication
Both species communicate through a series of grunts, snorts, and other noises. They also communicate through dung middens and urine sprays – see “What are They Doing” above.
White rhino at the night lighted Okaukuejo water hole in Etosha National Park. Image: ©Lesley Medley
Range and Habitat
African rhinoceros preferred habitat is grasslands and savanna where there is a water supply, but they can live in arid areas, for example Namibia, as well in wetter or woodland areas. Black rhinos love acacia bushes and trees; they can be found in grassland savannahs as well as wooded areas across Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. The white rhino prefers flat grasslands. They are most prevalent in South Africa, but can now be also seen in Namibia, Kenya, and Zimbabwe thanks to re-introduction programs
Enemies and Threats
Without a doubt the biggest and most dire threat to all rhino species is man, with poaching for their horns and habitat encroachment being the primary culprits. Adults have few natural enemies, and although an elephant can kill an adult rhino it is very rare that a dispute reaches that point. See Above: "Conservation Notes" for more information.
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Stories & Information
Wildlife Guide: African Elephant
Wildlife Guide: African Painted Dog
Wildlife Guide: Giraffe
Wildlife Guide: Zebra
Destination: Kruger National Park
Secrets of a Kruger Park Guide: Marc Cronje Tells All
Special Thanks!
Marc Cronje
Independent Field Guide, South Africa. Follow Marc on Facebook
Ed Warner,
Philanthropist, conservationist, and author of Running With Rhinos, for his enthusiasm and input.
Do not let this be the end of the rhino. Preservation begins with education. Using Rhino horn as medicine is as helpful as chewing your nails. Spread the word - help kill the demand, so the rhinos can live. Image ©R.Kravette for Destination:WIldlife.